Ichi Moku: A Balance of Logic and Instinct

If you're a newbie trader and you want to know more on what set of skills and mindset needed in order to contribute in your success, this is an awesome read for you. From one of the respected personality in the trading industry, let Ichi Moku talk some sense into you.

1. Which one do you trust more when doing trading decisions, your instincts or your logic?
I trust both... I use logic to identify the direction of my trade by using my chart, and instinct to enter based on past experience of trade having almost the same setup.

2. How do you cope after experiencing a bad loss from the stock market?
I just stop trading until I get back to my old self again... Then go back to where I left, and analyse what I have done wrong and move forward.

3. What do you think is the most important thing a trader must know in order to become successful in trading?
Every trader should understand that trading is personal. They should develop their own system that fits their personality and risk profile, and trust that system.  No system is perfect... But they need to find its weakness so that they won’t fall to the same mistake twice.

4.Can you share some secrets or tell us what your best practices in trading are?
Don’t ignore long term trend.  I am a full-time OFW and no chance to monitor the chart during a trading session, and because I look at the long term, I'm not worried of the daily swings in the market.

5. What is your favorite quote about Finance? Can you recommend sources that will give us idea on how to start in trading such as books, videos or a spokesperson?
The only quote about finance and stock trading is this: ''It’s not the length, it’s not the size. It’s how many times you can make it rise.'' - Man G. Kanoor.

The above quote refers to your length of experience in Stocks and investment is not the basis, or the size of your portfolio...but how many time you were able to rise when you fall…

As for books, there are tons available on the internet... And spokeperson, there’s no other person I can think of than my good friend, Imbang Klase. Fafable na, matalino pa... Oh ha... All in one package... Huehuehue

6. What is your trading strategy? How did you come up with it? Can you describe your most successful trade so far? What is your track record in terms of profit margin in the last 5 years?
I am a position/swing trader and uses Fibonacci and Clouds Trading System… A combination of Fibonacci, Ichimoku Kinko Hyo and Harmonics Trading System.  I came up with the system because I noticed the bias in most of the analysis being done by traders back in the days...in short, I took the road less traveled.  I can’t remember my most successful trade, but so far I managed to stay afloat even when the market is down.  Track record?  Nakakatsamba (stroke of luck) lang ako.

7. What indicators do you use in your analysis? Do you have rules on how you use indicators?
I use Ichimoku Kinko Hyo and Fibonacci full time.  Simple rule:  Trade what you see, not what you feel.

8. What indicator system do you use to spot a stock that you would likely place a trade in? Given those indicators, what parameters or set-ups have to be hit before you execute the trade?
I identify the risk reward ratio, and don’t go if the reward is measly 1:2, or you’re willing to lose 1 peso for a 2 peso profit.  It should be at least 1:3... The bigger, the better. Indicators are based on the multiple entry and exit strategy of my system.

9. How do you plot support and resistance/ do you follow your ma's, fibo, harmonics, trend lines?
I plot support and resistance differently among the rest, as I don’t include the wick of the candle. I follow Fibonacci like it’s my bible, and harmonics when I feel like plotting.

10.Why do you think a Cut loss is necessary and where do you place the stop? How do you determine your Cut loss level? How do you determine your take profit level?
Cut loss is used to protect you from yourself.  Emotions may control your reaction, and without Cut loss or Stop Loss level, this may impede your judgement and continue to hold on to a dying stock.  I determine my cut loss level depending on the strategy I used.  If I used Ichimoku, then my level is based on Ichimoku.  If I used Fibonacci, then the same.  

There’s no percentage set. Stop loss is critical, because if you set it too tight, you may get hit easily, only to be whipsawed. Set it too far, you may lose more before you realize you’re wrong.  Set it where you feel psychologically comfortable

Ichi Moku's Psyche: A Personal Analysis

It seems to me that he is fond of "The Guy Fawkes mask''. According to David Lloyd, V for Vendetta illustrator and co-creator, is quoted as saying: ''the mask has now become a common brand and a convenient placard to use in protest against tyranny – and I'm happy with people using it, it seems quite unique, an icon of popular culture being used this way''. I don't know whether it's to deem himself mysterious or it might have been just one of his favorite movies.

Moving Forward
Ichi Moku provides practical and sensible trading advice. It is a combination of logic and well-formatted strategies, but he also recognizes the need to use personal instinct in order to make sensible trading decisions. Everyone experiences failure in trading, and no one is immune to it, however, the traits that make a good trader are in their mindset. Whenever he loses a sense of himself he just takes the time to rest and get his old and confident self back again. In the world of trading, you cannot get too emotional, you need to balance everything. Trading is a personal relationship, with your dreams, with your goals and it is about will power. It's never about what other people will say about you... It is about your firm decision to continue existing in the market. He advises traders and ''would be'' traders that it is never about the span of time you're inside the stock market game; it is all about your determination to continue - You would have to believe that you will rise again. 

Moving Up
Despite being logical, the changes that he has made in the system that he uses came as a result of wanting to create a better analysis that could help more people in the long run. He is clear, you need to remove the distractive decisions, and if you need to take the road less taken - you have to be able to perceive when you are going to be able to do that.

Staying on the Top
Ichi Moku challenges traders to be firm with who they are and to not be afraid to trust a certain system making him somehow a daring visionary. To be successful you need to be decisive, the truth is that there's no ''one trading system'' that will work for everyone. It will be a personal choice to study a system and stay focused on when to use it and how to make it work. Once in focus, they can learn the details of the weakness and strength of that specific system. 

I consider his persona as a perfect balance of Logic and Instinct.