Straight Talk with Kevin Khoe

Get insightful tips and information from one of the best Stock Market Analyst and Trading Research expert in the country

1. Which one do you trust more when doing trading decisions, your instincts or your logic?

- Instincts.  

2. How do you cope after experiencing a bad loss from the stock market?

- I stop trading. I take a break and rethink my strategy.  

3. What do you think is the most important thing a trader must know in order to become successful in trading?

- Risk management  

4.Can you share some secrets or tell us what your best practices in trading are?

- 1/3 rule. I divide my position into 3, 1/3s. I divide my buying and selling into 1/3s. This is how I do tranche buying, tranche selling. 

5. What is your favorite quote about Finance? Can you recommend sources that will give us idea on how to start in trading such as books, videos or a spokesperson?

- If you argue with market, you lose. - Larry Hite. 
Read How to Make Money in Stocks. - William O'neal.  

6. What is your trading strategy? How did you come up with it? Can you describe your most succesful trade so far? What is your track record in terms of profit margin in the last 5 years? 

- If I like  a stock, I buy my bodega position. If the price goes above my bodega average cost, i will add to my holdings. When I bought LRW below P0.50. I was able to sell my holdings above P6.00. I am able to do better than market average. That much i can say. 

7. What indicators do you use in your analysis? Do you have rules on how you use indicators? 

Moving averages.  

8. What indicator system do you use to spot a stock that you would likely place a trade in? Given those indicators, what parameters or set ups have to be hit before you execute the trade? 

- If it goes above 5.0% of the moving average, I will execute the trade.
9. How do you plot support and resistance/ do you follow your ma's, fibo, harmonics, trendlines?      

- Simple trendlines.  
10.Why do you think a cutloss is necessary and where do you place the stop? How do you determine your cutloss level? How do you determine your take profit level?

- 8.0% cutloss. I run my profits and have a trail stop.

On Kevin Khoe

Kevin is direct to the point, there are no wordy or lengthy statements just on point facts that he has used in his daily life. He is influenced by great innovators like Steve Jobs; he stays true to the belief that instinct is everything. In order to reach this mindset, you have to be mentally focused and to remove indecision in your system especially when it comes to trading. As an individual, he brings a wealth of experience and information. People who want to take inspiration from his ideas, could follow his life and works and take valuable learning from it.

He is more than just a trader; he is able to make use of a wealth of information in order to create new systems that will transform not only his personal life but lives of people around him.

On his Stock Market Advice 

His social media postings in the social media group Traders Apprentice Pilipinas that he co-founded with Christian Del Rosario, Roy Reyes and Tony Herbosa is greatly beneficial. He shows his expertise on chart interpretation and analysis, and his assessment on the risk factors related to the industry is admirable since it is backed up by research.

The Advantages of Kevin Khoe’s Mentorship

The thing that sets him apart is credibility and years of experience.

Kevin Khoe is not hesitant to share his skills and what he knows not needing to hide his identity and the things that he values the most, like art. He is generous and synergistic by providing straight facts - he has found ways to establish credible suggestions to readers. Despite being in the industry for a long time, he still wants to collaborate what he knows and is open to information. 

It would be good to learn from the best, the experienced, and not just with anyone who presents themselves as masters or guru. Kevin Khoe contributes by conducting research that helps strengthen TAP Overview. Aside from that, he helps in spreading information by posting his thoughts and analysis through social media in order to increase financial literacy in the country. A mentor like him gives effort and time to guide new traders and would be traders - and the traders that have attended TAP Overview lectures have benefited from it. He does not provide talks, but his expertise on research provide a backbone for TAP. 

A Perspective on TAP
TAP provides a holistic approach. They can give you idea on how everything works together. The greater difference of this group from others is they give you a wider overview of everything that is happening around the country. For example, they will teach you how political candidates will affect the economy and will also tell you how real estate occurrence have a direct impact on stock trading. 

All types of news are shared on TAP FB page and they explain associations such as how certain changes can affect one stock. They provide a higher level of information not just for newbie traders, but even for those who are already in the industry for a long time. TAP is already mentoring not just in the stock trading market, but they are also mentoring on Property Investment and even as far as Art Investment through ART TAP.

The association founders provide seminars called TAP OVERVIEW Backdoor meetıngs where you can actually ask direct questions and listen to them in person.  They can give you the chance to learn from the best and gives encouragement that you too can be a success like them.

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