Zeefreaks: A Trader's Way of Restoring Faith in Humanity

Since I started in the stock market industry, I had the privilege of getting acquainted with traders and I’m extremely thankful because I learned a lot from them. Some of them even became my close friends! It is quite fascinating to know that some are into charity work, same as I do. I am grateful that some traders are dedicated to helping the less fortunate because unknown to many, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth so I know how it feels. I have experienced what they are going through.


Once in a while you’ll come across something remarkable that you can’t just let it pass you by such as The Charlie Bakit Challenge. It is somewhat  a ‘’dare’’ conceptualized by Zeely Vonka’s (Zeefreaks) reserved for talented university students, especially fresh graduates. The main goal is for the participants to come up with a business that could multiply the funds they will be entrusting you with. The five chosen groups will be given funds which hopefully can help kick-start that dream business you have been thinking about. All they ask for in return is that you post updates, inspire others, and share your success and at the end, they will ask each group to give them back a spare of the earnings, which they will in turn use to help others.

If you are interested, click HERE for more info.


I believe there are two meaningful lessons encompassing this challenge. First, it’s putting into practice the notion within the Chinese proverb ‘’Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.’’ Second is the application of the principle of ‘’Paying it Forward’’ – responding to a person's kindness to oneself by being kind to someone else.

I love the concept of this project. Why? Because he didn’t just give you the cash to spend on something trivial until it’s gone.  Instead, he’ll be assisting people who deserve to have their ‘’dreams’’ funded. I've learned that he plans to help those who are less fortunate, especially street kids and indigenous tribes such as the Aeta community. I’m glad to know that there are traders willing to share their blessings to those who are in need particularly abandoned children. I guess the size of a person’s heart can be measured by his willingness to lend a hand without expecting anything in return and the fulfillment itself is enough reward and is actually considered as ‘’priceless’’.

Back in the day, I used to do volunteer work and even joined outreach programs. I personally witness their walk of life. Most of them are experiencing hardships and challenges some of us cannot even fathom.  When he found out that we share the same advocacy, he asked me to join him. In line with his cause, I decided to give my support and signed up as a volunteer to have his projects documented to be able to share and inspire others. I’m so excited to be part of something sublime once again. I hope that this too shall inspire others to also join him. Let’s anticipate and watch all his plans unfold. This is going to be ''legendary''.

I, on the other hand, can’t wait to see the smiles on the faces of everyone who will be receiving the blessings. =)

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