Igniting the Art Tap Community

Art Tap  has been established last September of 2015, it has been created in order to inspire stock market traders to consider the value of art appreciation.

Art Tap has a membership of 1,600, and the people that have been added to the page are active in various activities like investment and art related activities in the country.

Tap is an organic type of social media interaction, and involves some of the best mentors in the country when it comes to Art appreciation and collection.

Social media has been used to change the way people interact, and ART TAP is considered to be a pioneering Facebook group that will  inspire more people to discuss about the value of art, not only as a visual tool but also as a vehicle for investment.

It all started out, using simple Facebook discussions about what paintings people like, then Art Tap community members started sharing about the artists that they admire the most- and have posted their works.
This Facebook community- is starting a new idea on how to share art, it is a bridging tool-- it allows people from different walks of life to interact.

Unlike other Facebook groups that remain just online, ART TAP community, was able to schedule a first meet up- 

The first event focused on art appreciation-- Art in the Park is a valuable event in the art community and was considered as one of the best ways to inspire new members to start the process of art collecting.

 The goal of the event was to mentor new members on Art Appreciation. Stock traders who want to know how to start their art collection, was given guidance and mentorship by JJ Atencio while inside the event.

Art in the Park, is already an established art event that is being participated upon by selected art galleries in the country.

 The galleries have already pre-selected some of the best artist works in the country.

It featured the works of The Mighty Bhutens, an artist group that features Baguio artists like Kabunyan De Guia, it also has included artists like Oliver Olivete and Guiller Lagac.

Members from the ART TAP community were given a mentor-ship on how to select the artworks and what to focus on.

JJ Atencio, has stated that first, there must be a love for art, to select the art that you love, you can never go wrong in selecting an art piece that speaks to you--if it speaks to you- buy it.

Manny De Castro, another mentor has reinforced this message, "We need to trust our eyes, when viewing art".
 It is about selecting the at that you like, it is about focusing on art that has the ability to capture your attention, and not just the signatures that are found at the corner of each piece.

Tony Herbosa, an avid art collector has also guided the new members of Art Tap, on what galleries to focus on  which galleries have created a good artist selection and has taken the time to open up the world of art appreciation for members.

Cecilio Tobillio, from Cevio Art Haus has also taken the time to discuss how artists create a name for themselves, he has enlightened the Tappers, on why certain artists command better prices than the others and has given an open discussion with regards to the other questions that beginners would like to know about art collecting.

He was able to discuss, about artist Vincent Navarro of Baguio City, and how artists when winning certain art awards boost their command price in the art market.

Art enthusiasts and tappers who came, were able to discuss certain types of art that they like and have enlightened fellow members on how to go about when it comes to art selecting.

Members like Bambi Dela Merced and Kevin Khoe  as well as Miguel Vasquez Tan were able to have good finds, artworks that they were able to select just in time, before the items got sold out in Art in the Park.

Rocky David, as well as artists like Jessie Mondares and Lyndon Maglalang were also present at the event. Tickie Lopa, one of the organizers of Art in the Park, also welcomed the ART TAP community. 

Art Tap is a growing community, with members such as art bloggers and writers, and a growing thirst for art collecting and appreciation.

Bloggers like Kali Alaia a community blogger from Baguio and Homer Oclares, a travel blog writer have also graced the said event, and have been inspired to write about the undertaking of Art Tap.

These types of communities have the ability to influence how art is valued in the country.

 It is expected that Art Tap, will have more engaging activities in the future. More mentor-ship and a free flow of ideas that will inspire future project collaborations in different fields.

Life is about Creativity-- it is about taking risks, and learning more-- it is a trait that is most welcome for those who want to learn more--and this is what it means to be an ART TAPPER>

To be an ART TAP member, means to be exciting, to have focus and to know what is valuable in life. 


Photo credits: (c) Winston Sumalia 

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